February 1, 2020 2024-10-12 13:14Fellowship

Future Leaders Fellowship
Year 1: Aug 2025 to July 2026
Year 2: Aug 2026 to July 2027
4 Face to Face Weekend Retreats
Structured Self-paced Online Modules
Live Webinars and tutorials (weekly)
Paired with a mentor for the duration of the program
10 (UK); 10 (Nigeria); 10 (Malaysia); 5 (Mauritius); 5 (Sri Lanka); 5 Caribbean; 5 (Europe); 10 (Turkiye); 5 (Other countries)
International Institute of Islamic Thought
International Institute of Muslim Unity
Islamic Education Trust Nigeria
Unique Features
Key Program Highlights
Comprehensive curriculum
Self-paced online learning
Peer-to-peer support

Aims and Objectives
A 2 year experiential learning journey will provides tools, frameworks and experiences required to become:
Ethical & Balanced
Godly & Upright
Empowered Role Models
Programme Structure
Bridging Faith and Holistic Leadership Development for High-Potential and Senior Leaders.
YEAR 1: Living with Purpose for high-potential leaders
A unique leadership experience for high-potential leaders to develop a well-grounded, balanced understanding of Islam needed to become role models, mentors and changemakers – possessing the capacity to evaluate, form decisions and take action based on doctrinally grounded principles and beliefs, morals and ethics.
It will allow Fellows to develop confidence and remove self-doubt, break through barriers, aspire to inspire, and grow the foundations needed for their future success.
This foundational phase focuses on deepening participants’ understanding of faith-inspired leadership. Key components include:
• Exploring the Heart: Discovering personal purpose and building a profound connection with one’s faith.
• Engaging the Mind: Mastering contemporary leadership theories, power dynamics, and leadership psychology.
• Cultivating Character: Developing virtues such as wisdom, courage, empathy, and humility.
• Practical Applications: Hands-on experiences, including internships and projects, to apply knowledge to real-world challenges.
• Diversity and Inclusion: Embracing and celebrating the richness of diverse perspectives.
YEAR 2: Leading with Purpose for senior leaders
This program is designed for graduates from the Living with Purpose program. It aims to equip leaders to all the key leadership skills needed to better collaborate across boundaries to transform systems and organizations.
For graduates of Part 1, this phase delves into advanced leadership skills, including:
• Effective communication and emotional intelligence.
• Global perspectives: Cross-cultural leadership and international case studies.
• Sustainability and impact measurement.
• Customized learning paths, including online courses tailored to participants’ interests.
• Ongoing mentorship and community engagement.
• Strategic partnerships to broaden impact.
Core Learning Areas:
Our curriculum integrates faith-based values with contemporary leadership theories, including:
• Transformational leadership.
• Servant leadership.
• Emotional intelligence.
• Ethical leadership.
Terms and Conditions
Building the Ideal Candidate:
Who We're Looking For
Who is the ideal candidate for this program?
This pilot program caters for university students, graduates and professionals who have a keen interest in developing their knowledge, understanding, practice and skills.
Fellows should possess the qualities:
• Imaginative: Individuals who are creative in their problem-solving, and who can imagine change in an innovative and visionary manner
• Inquisitive: Individuals who are curious about the wider context in which they operate, and take an interest in areas outside of their specialisms and different ways of thinking and being
• Passionate: Individuals who can demonstrate purpose, self-motivation, and enthusiasm about the change they wish to bring about
• Courageous: Individuals who aren’t afraid of change, having difficult conversations, and confronting their fears
• Authenticity: individuals who are self-aware, recognise their strengths and weakness, and are deeply engaged with their communities
• Compassionate: Individuals who care deeply about others, and are committed to helping their community and solving societal issues
Who meets the selection criteria?
• 20 to 35 years with a fluency (both written and spoken) in English
• Open to diversity of thought and aspire to become positive changemakers.
• Track record of participating & volunteering in within local community.
• Can give commitment of time and energy to benefit from the program.
• Possess basic social media and IT skills.
• A courageous, action-oriented risk taker.
• A potential strategic thinker who has creative ideas and wants to shape and influence the future.
• A reflective practitioner who wishes to learn from experience, group work, as well as formal teaching situations.
What are the program expectations?
Fellows will be encouraged to:
• Engage in active self-reflection, appreciating the importance of self-knowledge in leadership;
• Support fellow participants by taking responsibility for the co-creation of a safe and respectful learning environment within the setting of the Program;
• Enhance their critical and creative thinking enabling them to consider new ways to meet ongoing personal and community challenges, and vision new futures;
• Consider pastoral care practices and how to support wellbeing within Muslim communities;
• Increase in their knowledge and understanding of the media and public spheres, and learn how to engage within these at various levels;
• Increase in knowledge and understanding of other faith and minority communities and the power of dialogue and collaboration with such communities to further shared values and goals;
• Refine their capacity for communication with different audiences including navigating differences of various kinds, and the ability to translate Islamic culture, values and wisdom for both a Muslim and non-Muslim audience.
Program Delivery: How do we shape tomorrow's leaders?
• 20 to 35 years with a fluency (both written and spoken) in English
• Open to diversity of thought and aspire to become positive changemakers.
• Track record of participating & volunteering in within local community.
• Can give commitment of time and energy to benefit from the program.
• Possess basic social media and IT skills.
• A courageous, action-oriented risk taker.
• A potential strategic thinker who has creative ideas and wants to shape and influence the future.
• A reflective practitioner who wishes to learn from experience, group work, as well as formal teaching situations.
What are the Practicalities and Commitments?
- Year One of the Fellowship will run from Jan. to Dec. 2024.
- Virtual Induction Day will be on Sun. 5th Jan 2024.
- Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses.
- Participants must commit to attending all residential retreats, LIVE webinars/workshops, completion of self paced learning modules.
- Participants must commit to regular mentoring meetings.
- [Entrepreneurship]
What is the Application Process?
Applicants must complete an application form which can be acquired by emailing and must be completed and returned by midnight on 16th December 2023.
All shortlisted candidates will be formally interviewed for this Program. Zoom Interviews will last approximately 30 minutes.
Upon graduation participants will be invited to become part of a global Alumni network of purpose-driven leaders, committed to making a positive impact.
Fellowship Curriculum
- Living life with meaning and purpose
- Implications and Relevance of Tawhid
- The personification of God’s attributes
- Pillars of Islam – relevance and implications
- Role of Ibadah in developing a personal and private relationship building with Allah
- Diseases of the Heart and treatment
- The significance of Niyah (Intention) and Ikhlas (Sincerity) in management and leadership.
- Taqwa, Ihsan – Traffic Lights and the spiritual immune system
- Dhikr and Ibadah, Muhasabah (introspection)
- Tafakkur (meditation and self-awareness
- Commitment to Allah, contentment and fi Sabeel Allah as intrinsic motivators for Islamic work.
- Developing your conscience, self-Awareness, self-Control, and self-Motivation
- Importance of Knowledge, Responsibility from Knowledge
- Relevant Revealed Knowledge (Qur’an and Sunnah) to Management and Leadership, Relevant Acquired Knowledge (Ayat of Creation and Others)
- Implications of Tawheed on Leadership, Management and Leadership Concepts
- Functions of Management, Leadership Styles
- Change Management, Teambuilding and Management
- Holistic Thinking of Social and Global Issues
- Critical and Creative Thinking (Sushi and Sharks)
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Analytical Skills
- Critical Listening
- Research Skills
- Triangulation, Paradigms, Biases and Assumptions
- Reflection / Tadabur and Tafakur, Curiosity, Intellectual Humility, Safe Space (Freedom and Courage), Doubt Management and Refutation
- (Intelligence vs Thinking / Horsepower vs Driving Skills)
- Lateral Thinking (6 Thinking Hats), In vs Out of the Box Thinking, Shura and Management of Ideas
- Ideas as Seeds of Reality, Obstacles to Thinking
- Group Think and Cascading, Wisdom of Crowds vs Folly of a Mob
- Dialog and Debating, Brainstorming
- Usul Alfiqh, Maxims (Shari’ah Intelligence), Diversity and Tolerance,
- Use of Questions, Analogies, metaphors and parables
- Nature of Insan and its implications on social interactions
- Personality types and tests
- Developing transcendence, courage, wisdom, Justice, Temperance, humanity
- Role Modelling and setting the Example
- Taking Responsibility
- Goal Setting and Strategic Planning
- Prioritizing / Time Management
- Mutual Benefit
- Mutual Understanding (Empathy)
- Collaboration (1+1=11)
- Continuous Improvement
- Energetic
Management Functions (Planning, Organization, Implementation, Evaluation)
Leadership Styles / Theories
Communication Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Problem Solving and Decision-Making Skills (Root Cause Analysis)
Financial Literacy and Management
Fundraising Management
21st Century Skills
Critical Thinking and creativity
Social media and ICT skills
Motivational Skills
Organizational Governance and Performance
Emotional Intelligence
Ethical Intelligence
Team Building
Conflict Management
Managing Meetings
Project Management
Succession Planning
Negotiation Skills
Mentoring and Coaching Skills
Networking and social media skills
Social Entrepreneurship
Ethics of Engagement (Da’wah)
Community development and Building Institutions
- Realization of Maqasid
- SDGs from an Islamic Perspective
- Contemporary Social Issues
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Social Intelligence
- Building Institutions
- Seven Cs of Community Development
- Volunteerism, Da’wah
Program Logistics
- Shaykh Nuruddeen Lemu, Nigeria.
- Salatu E. Sule, Nigeria.
- Shaykh Nasir Bello, Nigeria
- Professor Dawood al-Hidabi, Malaysia
- Dr Saleh Bazead, Malaysia
- Dr Hisham alTalib, USA
- Dr Ahmad Totonji, Turkey
- Dr Usman Bugage, Nigeria
- Dr Rayes Mustafa, UK
- Dr Riza Mohammed, UK
- Hussain Shefaar, UK
- Sherin Parveen, UK
- Professor Rafik Beekun, USA
- Dr Zahid Parvez, UK
- Muhammad Totonji, Saudi Arabia
- Farook Murad, UK
- Naveed Idris, UK
- Islam the Natural Way by AbdulWahid Hamid
- In the Early Hours by Khurram Murad
- A Journey to God by Jasser Auda
- Way to the Quran by Khurram Murad
- Inter Personal Relationships An Islamic Perspective By Khurram Murad
- The Sirah of the Prophet by Yasir Qadhi
- Leadership: An Islamic Perspective by Rafik Beekun
- Muhammad: 11 Qualities that changed the world by Nabeel Al-Azami
- Shariah Intelligence by Dawah Academy, Nigeria
- 40 Hadith on community service and activism by Mohannad Hakeem
- Training Manual of the Islamic Worker by Hisham alTalib
- Etiquettes of Engagement by Hisham al Talib
- Living where we don’t make the rules by Ebrahim Rasool [editor]
All residentials in the UK will be at Markfield Conference Centre, Ratby Lane, Markfield, LE67 9SY, UK
Retreat Themes
- Living With Purpose
- Spiritual Intelligence
- Shariah Intelligence
- Aspire to Inspire
- Leading With Purpose
- Strategic Planning and Implementation
- Leadership Skills
- Social Activism
- Entrepreneurship
- Developing Spiritual Intelligence
Living with Purpose
Spiritual Intelligence
- Prophetic Leadership
- Quranic Study Techniques
Character Building
Prophetic Leadership
Conflict Management
- Interpersonal Skills
Problem Solving and Decision-Making Skills
Financial Literacy and Management
Fundraising Management
- Critical Thinking and creativity
- Motivational Skills
Organizational Governance and Performance
Emotional Intelligence
Ethical Intelligence
- Succession Planning
Negotiation Skills
- Networking and social media skills
Social Entrepreneurship
Ethics of Engagement
Community development